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If you are assigned to create a book review, you may think that all you are supposed to is express your viewpoint on the book. Nevertheless, a worthy book review is not the one including solely an opinion on the read material. It should present a brief summary of the read book, basic data about the author and raised problem, and a proper assessment of the content. Your summary has to illustrate the chief aspects of the topic and explain why it is worth being discussed. In order to provide accurate basic data about the publication you are dealing with, you need to explore the topic thoroughly even if it is a fiction story. It is essential to include the information about the author in your book review, as it will help readers get a better understanding of the content. For instance, you may discover how the author’s outlook or beliefs impact the development of the story depicted in a book. Your review should end with your assessment of a book. Bear in mind that this is not your viewpoint on the book but the evaluation of its major aspects. It is necessary to admit that such pieces of writing may include the writer’s personal opinion. Therefore, before starting doing your assignment, make sure you know whether it is required to present your point of view or not. If you need to express your opinion, remember to clearly explain why you consider the book interesting/boring. Make firm statements supported with arguments. Only in this way, you will manage to produce a profound and engaging academic paper. Have a look at the samples of book reviews below.

The Time’s Arrow and The Time Machine

The two literary works under analysis are Time’s Arrow by Martin Amis and The Time Machine by Herbert Wells. The choice is justified by the fact that these books are centered around the concept of an excursus into the human history. Basically, the very trope of time-travel in Time’s Arrow, as well as in The […]

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Book Essay: Lincoln

Question 1 Professional and Political Experience that Abraham Lincoln Accumulated before Becoming President Lincoln’s leadership skills as a politician have their genesis in the way he was brought up. He stated that he owed his successful political life to his mother who died when he was only nine years old. As a future politician, Lincoln’s […]

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The Complete Guide To Crisis & Trauma Counseling: What to Do and Say When It Matters Most by Wright

Abstract In the book The Complete Guide To Crisis & Trauma Counseling: What to Do and Say When It Matters Most, Wright provides readers with comprehensive guidelines on what to do after a crisis or traumatic event. Wright puts forth the idea that counseling people based on the Bible offers a long-term and instant healing impact (Wright, […]

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Book Review: Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity by David N. Entwistle

Integrative approaches to psychology and Christianity: An introduction to worldview issues, philosophical foundations, and models of integration by David N. Entwistle covers an extremely topical and controversial issue of whether psychology and theology can be successfully integrated into contemporary counseling practice. In fact, the author starts his book by emphasizing that psychology and Christianity have been […]

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Book Review: A Practical Handbook for the Actor

‘A Practical Handbook for the Actor’ was written by Bruder, M. ‘A Practical Handbook for the Actor’ was written by Bruder, M. et al. and published in 1986 by Vintage Books in New York City. As the introduction to the book, David Mamet states that the book was the best book to be written in […]

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The World of Mexican Migrants: The Rock and the Hard Place by Judith Hellman

Migration is the process that never stops and the challenges it causes are uncountable. Usually, people get information concerning migration issues from the government reports and separate interviews when something that can interest mass media happens. The detailed description of the routine and the adverse sides of the migration without any stereotypes is a rarity. […]

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